

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gorguts - Colored Sands - Album Review

Year: 2013

The true test of a band's skill and consistency, is when they make an album after a long period of absence. The so called "comeback album", measures the band's ability to make good quality music despite staying dormant for an extended period of time. 2013 seems to be filled with such comeback albums, with big league bands like Carcass and Black Sabbath putting out albums after quite some time. Canadian Avant Garde Death Metal veterans Gorguts are the next ones in line. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Watain - The Wild Hunt - Album Review

Year: 2013

Popularity. It can either make a band grow big or it can break the band. If there is one thing to be learnt from the years of metal music, it is that when a band achieves high levels of fame, the band most often ends up becoming a shadow of its former self. This phenomenon has remained true in almost all sub genres of metal, including one of the most non commercial ones that is Black Metal. Bands like Satyricon, Dimmu Borgir etc., who were once hailed as great bands, after seeing their share of fame are now regularly churning out mediocre albums. With this in mind, I approached the new Watain album (considering the amount of expectations and hype that this album made before its release) with high scepticism. Has Watain really made the same mistake as their peers?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Plague Throat - An Exordium To Contagion - Album Review

Year: 2013

When it comes to the Indian Metal Scene, if there is one place where one can look for some quality, underground bands delivering some solid extreme metal, then that place would be the North East. This land of the hills has given rise to some of the big names in extreme metal like Alien Gods, IIIrd Sovereign, Agnostic, Dark Carnage etc. Plague Throat is one such band, which had been causing shock waves in the underground scene for quite some time. Now, it is the time for these underground mammoths to unleash their debut record. So how have they fared in this venture?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Exhumed - Necrocracy - Album Review

Year: 2013

Are you on the lookout for a new band that out brutalizes every other band out there? Searching for something that is filled with riffs written in such a way that its sole purpose seems to be to squish your head to a pulp? Do you want a fast, mind numbing wall of noise? Then this is NOT the album that you are looking for. Because, Exhumed has come out with something that you might not have heard from them till now. They have released a very mature album.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Thy Raventhrone - End - Album Review

Year: 2013

What is it about the Finns? Whatever they touch, it turns grand and melodic. I can safely say that the majority of music coming out of Finland, have this very melodic and very epic feel to them. It has got to do something with the Finnish landscape, filled with beautiful forests, majestic hills, the northern European climate etc. So it really comes as no surprise that the music made by inhabitants of such a awe inspiring place, sounds so beautiful. Speaking of Finnish melodic metal, Thy Raventhrone has the very same formula, containing ingredients of melody, grandeur and atmosphere.